Our Story

Tres suizos al pie de los andes 

Friendship, love for wine, and nature – the key ingredients that sparked the unique story of 3SAPAS in Mendoza.

Vineyard Roots

The Beginning of a Journey

It all began in 2017 when Arnaud, then 26 years old, arrived in Buenos Aires for a study exchange. During a trip to Mendoza, he met another Swiss who introduced him to the fascinating world of wineries. The idea of getting involved in this world took form, finding fertile ground in Arnaud’s love for wine and several years of experience working in reputed culinary establishments during summers.

From Dream to Sustainable Reality

The dream of a wine project started to take shape a couple of years later when his brother Florian joined in. Together, they aimed to bring fresh air to the traditional world of wine and create a winery that represented their generation: young, irreverent, and sustainable.

From Alps to Andes

The Formation of 3SAPAS

Thus, 3SAPAS was born – an acronym for “tres suizos al pie de los Andes” (three Swiss at the foot of the Andes), which included the Frésard brothers and their dog, Gibbs. Soon, the team accompanying Arnaud and Florian began to grow steadily. First, young and talented winemakers Fernando Sota joined in 2021, followed by Luis Coita Civit in 2022. Then, in May 2023, Jonas Lépine, a friend of the founders, joined as Marketing and Sales Director along with Víctor Riquelme, Vineyard Manager. The 3SAPAS family continues to expand day by day!